Where did October disappear to?!

Where did October disappear to?!

It was perfect timing -- just as my wife Jessie and I were getting ready to celebrate five years of marriage, the first orders of Peach Basil Cocktail Syrup started arriving in mailboxes. It was lovely to not only enjoy some peach concoctions of our own, but also hear the rave reviews of what people made at home.

As October quickly (and I mean QUICKLY) turns into November, we're focusing on what we can deliver before the end of this year that will set us up for success next year. Although we had grand designs to launch two new flavors, we decided that refining our process, obtaining FDA approval, and landing a small number of wholesale clients would be the best use of our time.

So, that means we'll be feeling peachy for the rest of this year, and we'll need your help over the holidays to make some delicious cocktails for your friends and family.

Not only will you enjoy some fantastic beverages, you'll bulk up our fruit tree fund and put us on solid footing as we prepare to take Farmers Jam to new heights in 2023.

A couple of quick notes before we go:

1. Jessie and I are taking a much needed break next week in Blue Ridge, so I won't be sending an email.

2. There are a couple of really important dates coming up: Sunday, Nov 6 and Tuesday Nov 8. On Nov 6, we'll be at Fermentation Fest serving up some delicious cocktails. And of course, Nov 8 is election day. Scroll down to find details about Fermentation Fest and learn more about the candidates for Georgia Agriculture Commissioner.

That's it for now, we'll catch you in a couple of weeks.

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